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Chemical Composition of Everyday Products
12:44 م | مرسلة بواسطة
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تعديل الرسالة
Chemicals, both helpful and harmful, affect our everyday lives. From cosmetics to medications to cleansers to lighting, automotive, and office products, each is composed of a complex blending of elements to perform a specific task. This book analyzes over 100 groups of products, identifying the specific chemical composition of a product, its historical use, how it functions, and any associated environmental and/or human health issues. Ten laboratory exercises provide students with the opportunity to observe these chemicals in action. Readers will learn which chemical elements are in everyday products and how they may affect health and environment, assisting them in making educated choices as consumers.
Chemicals, both helpful and harmful, affect our everyday lives. From cosmetics to medications to cleansers to lighting, automotive, and office products, each is composed of a complex blending of elements to perform a specific task. This book analyzes over 100 groups of products, identifying the specific chemical composition of a product, the historical use of the product, how it functions, and any associated environmental and/or human health issues. Ten laboratory exercises provide students with the opportunity to observe these chemicals in action. Readers will learn which chemical elements are in everyday products and how they may affect health and environment, assisting them in making educated choices as consumers.
Products analyzed include: Soaps and laundry products; cosmetics and bathroom products; health and medical products; baby products; cleaning products; lighting; common household and lawn products; automotive and general repair products; common materials [paper, plastic cement, spray paint] and office supply products.
Download Chemical Composition of Everyday Products
Chemicals, both helpful and harmful, affect our everyday lives. From cosmetics to medications to cleansers to lighting, automotive, and office products, each is composed of a complex blending of elements to perform a specific task. This book analyzes over 100 groups of products, identifying the specific chemical composition of a product, the historical use of the product, how it functions, and any associated environmental and/or human health issues. Ten laboratory exercises provide students with the opportunity to observe these chemicals in action. Readers will learn which chemical elements are in everyday products and how they may affect health and environment, assisting them in making educated choices as consumers.
Products analyzed include: Soaps and laundry products; cosmetics and bathroom products; health and medical products; baby products; cleaning products; lighting; common household and lawn products; automotive and general repair products; common materials [paper, plastic cement, spray paint] and office supply products.
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